I have had quite a few requests for more Jack posts, so here you go Monkey lovers!
Jack Henry is a very polite boy when waiting for a treat.
He learned this instantly, taking cues from his bubby Bruce.
Bruce has very nice manners.
Some of you saw this photo on FB...
He's chewing on a stinky bully stick here.
He later swallowed it whole while in Magoo's office.
How this is possible, I can't understand.
We gave him the large footlong so he couldn't swallow it.
Jack Henry must always be supervised when he has a chew.
He's like a little furry sword swallower.
Magoo is fired.
He did run down and tell me so I could handle things.
Little man was immediately doing that oh-so-fun gagging thing, so up it came.
When he did expel it, I thought Magoo was going to pass out.
I hadn't seen that kind of pale face since the days of baby diarrhea.
Jack Henry needs a dinosaur bone, I guess.
This photo is his Lion King pose.
This area is waaaay to the back of the yard-
Jack, Bruce and Sophie play hide and seek back there.
The little one is always the lookout, right?
They all love to play ball...Sophie tries her best to keep up.
Jack learned to fetch pretty quickly.
He had great teachers.
Jack Henry is Bruce's shadow.
Bruce is so smart and thank goodness, Jack does whatever Bruce does.
It's made his training much easier.
They BOTH snore, but Jack snores like a freight train.
They pass out a few hours before we do, and we laugh constantly.
Sometimes they have running dreams at the same time.
I wonder who got the ball...
Bruce gave him a little courtesy time to sleep in his place,
which happens to be on/or right up against me.
Head on my shoulder, or full body human sleep on my pillow.
He's had enough of that now and has reclaimed his spot.
Jack's response?
Pile up in between us.
Bruce weighs 60 lbs. and Jack 25 lbs.
This is going to be a problem as the Jack Monkey grows!
These boys are snugglers.
The corgis were never snugglers like this.
In fact, Sophie will show the boys her pretty white teeth if they attempt to snuggle with her.
The princess is like a five year old yelling
"stop touching me!!!" to her siblings.
It's like having little kids all over again.
Bratty, loud, mess making, adorable, lovable, furry kids.
I'm not complaining.
They bring us so much joy.
(Except when JH pees on the tile and it runs like a river maze in the grout across the kitchen.
Not feeling joyful at that moment!)
I'm announcing the giveaway winner on Friday,
so you have a few days left to think about your prize.
The comments have been great!
Good luck!
Hope you've enjoyed the pups- I love sharing them with you.
(And please do consider a rescue pup if you're thinking about getting a furry companion.)