I have been horrible about the giveaways for 2012.
My sewing room and storage area have been
in a bad state of the wonkies for the past year.
Who am I kidding?
It's like a black hole upstairs!
I've made a ton of progress, but there's still much to be done.
I'm itching to get back up there and embroider some beautiful things.
That's delayed the Etsy store, too.
I think I've decided to sell directly from the blog when I transition to my own website.
Until then, I'll have a For Sale page up soon and will send out
a short newsletter telling you about what will be available.
Subscribers will get first pick and can reserve items seen in the mail out.
So make sure you sign up, as you know that my subscriber list was erased
by the eggheads that never respond at Feedburner.
Now on to the fun stuff.
I'm about to make it up to you, my dahlinks!
My regular readers know that I have an obsessive love of vintage linens.
Aprons, fabrics, table linens, baby clothes, pillowcases, etc.
But, I also have a plethora of items intended for sale that have no shop to sit in yet.
Poor things need some lovin' in a new home.
You know that I always throw in something personalized and very specific to the winner's taste.
That's the most enjoyable part for me.
This giveaway is a doozie, sponsored my me and only me.
Look at it as a gift to you alarmingly talented and good looking folks
that have embraced me, challenged me and encouraged me this past year.
I joke a lot, but I adore you all.
I thought it would be fun to have five categories to choose from...
I think I've got you all covered. ;)
I'm going to have loads of fun discovering if you choose the way I think you will!
Let's have some fun before the madness of the holiday rush hits.
Combo Deal picks two categories. Please specify.
Winner will be randomly chosen on next Friday,
October 12th.
Second entry allowed for those who follow here and on Pinterest.
Just let me know in your comments.
Without further ado~
On your mark, get set, GO!